Why Playtime Matters in Raising Healthy Kids | Drama Kids International

Between researching healthy snacks and how to best encourage children to exercise, it is safe to say that parents do a lot when it comes to helping their child be as healthy as possible. The good news is, one of the healthiest things that children can do is something that also comes the most natural to them: playing.

Encouraging kids to play, both in active ways such as sports and in creative ways such as acting classes for kids, has a wealth of benefits for them physically and mentally. Read on to learn about the biggest benefits play has for children!

How Play Benefits Children

1. It’s Good for Their Physical and Mental Health
Getting kids active and moving through playtime is one of the best things you can do for their physical health, and it positively impacts their mental health, too. While playtime is too fun for children to think of it as exercise, active play can present the exact same benefits.

2. It Helps Foster Creativity and Problem-Solving
Play is an important part of children’s creativity and problem-solving at any age. Whether it is through toddlers learning about the world around them or older children making up games and learning about interacting with others, children’s playtime is one of the most effective ways for them to develop essential life skills.

3. It’s a Fun Way to Cut Down on Screen Time
An increase in screen time is plaguing children of every age group and has been shown to increase the time it takes for children to learn valuable emotional, language and social skills. Showing children that real-life play is a positive thing can help them step away from the screen because they want to, not just because they were told to.

4. It Encourages Children to Learn About Themselves
Children can learn a lot about themselves and their confidence levels by interacting with the world around them, and one of the best ways they can do this is through play. Helping them engage with others in their age range, such as through an after-school activity like drama classes for children, will be a constructive way for them to play and build their self-confidence and self-esteem.

Drama classes for kids can help them work on all of these things and more! Contact us today to learn about all the benefits of drama and to get them enrolled.