The Most Helpful Conversation to Have With Your Child’s Teacher | Drama Kids International

As parents, we work hard to instill strong values of confidence and self-esteem in our children—but when they spend most of their weekdays in school, it can be difficult to assess exactly how comfortable they are with themselves.

While there are many things parents can do to boost their children’s confidence, such as giving them autonomy with decisions and enrolling them in drama classes, having open and honest conversations with your child’s teacher is a valuable resource as well.

3 Questions to Ask Your Child’s Teacher

Is my child getting along well with his or her peers and classmates? For children, social interaction with their peers is so valuable—they learn a host of social and emotional skills just by being around one another. However, if your child is struggling with confidence or self-esteem, it might be because these peer interactions are not going as well as he or she might hope. This may be something his or her teacher has also noticed, so you can share information and begin to find a solution for the issue.

Does my child join in group conversations and games naturally? Joining in naturally to group conversations and games is a sign of a confident and outgoing child, so this is a great way to assess how comfortable your child is feeling with classmates. While some children are shyer than others, working with their teacher to understand how they interact with the people they see every day will be a helpful metric in their overall confidence.

Are there ways I can help my child boost his or her confidence at home? Building up a child’s confidence and self-esteem is a gradual process, but if all of the adults in your child’s life are on the same page, it can quickly become much easier. While there are many resources online concerning things parents can do to raise confident children, your child’s teacher may have more suggestions specific to the situation, such as enrolling your child in acting classes for kids. Use your meeting time as a chance to learn from the teacher’s expertise and what he or she has experienced in working with your child throughout the school year.

Drama and acting classes for children are incredible for boosting their self-esteem! See what’s enrolling now to get your child involved.