We know the goal is to always raise confident, self-sufficient kids, but also know that it can seem confusing and difficult to achieve this. Just how do you go about encouraging confidence in a child who is a bit on the self-conscious side? Luckily for you, we at Drama Kids International are helping kids unlock their confident sides daily! Here are 10 tips you can work on over the summer with your child: Read on →

Worrying—We all know how trying it can be to deal with and work through worries, but guess what? That worry bug isn’t limited just to adults. Yes, our kids can be inflicted with plenty of worries of their own. Through our experiences working with children, our team at Drama Kids International has learned many ways to help them work through and overcome their worries and is more than happy to share some of the techniques with you! Read on →

The time to start thinking about summer fun for your child is here, even if it does seem like the year went by in the blink of an eye! So how do you begin planning out fun adventures for your child’s summer? Drama Kids International has found some ideas worth trying out. Summer is a time for your children to have the freedom to enjoy themselves, while still coming across educational opportunities that can benefit them for life! Read on →

We all know the importance of being resilient in life, so it’s only natural for us to want to help our children build up their resilience. Why is resilience so crucial for children to build? It’s simple—resilience helps them learn how to bend and not break when facing stress or trauma. Resilience is how they’ll know the best ways to get up and brush themselves off after a fall and recover from adversity and stress. Read on →

Creativity—one of our favorite words and state of minds! Drama Kids International eats, breathes and sleeps creativity, not just because it’s fun, but because of the benefits it can have. We especially know the benefits being creative can have for children. Creativity is not just about developing new ideas, it’s about the cognitive processes that can change your understanding of and relationship to the world. It helps us solve problems and can be instrumental in critical thinking. Read on →

At Drama Kids International, we know how important it is for children to develop healthy habits! We also know that as parents, one of our most important roles is to help our children develop those healthy habits. From the physical aspects of eating healthy and staying active to developing healthy emotional habits, there are many things that children are learning from us day in and day out. Wondering how you can better encourage your child to pick up healthy habits? Read on →

Spring is almost here, and our team at Drama Kids International is ready to bid farewell to winter! In honor of the upcoming season, we thought it would be great to share some family-friendly springtime activities with you! 1. Break out the outdoor toys. Spring brings warmer temperatures around, making it a great time to begin embracing outdoor life with your family. Get the bubbles out, start bouncing on the trampoline again, hit the playground and swing to your heart’s content! Read on →

Helping boost your child’s self-esteem is one of the greatest and most beneficial things a parent can do! At Drama Kids International, we specialize in helping children develop and grow life skills such as creative thinking, leadership and public speaking, as well as helping them discover ways to build up their self-confidence and self-esteem. Since the real work is done at home, we thought it would be beneficial to everyone to share some ways parents can help boost their child’s self-esteem! Read on →

At Drama Kids International, we are passionate about the anti-bullying movement, which is evident with our ACT UP! to Stop Bullying initiative. Why are we so determined to help bring an end to bullying? Because we know the impact it has on kids! Bullying is linked to a multitude of negative outcomes, including impacting a child’s mental health and leading to substance use or even suicide. Not only can bullying impact those who are bullied, but it can impact those who observe it and those who are the bullies. Read on →

Valentine’s Day will be here in just two weeks, and our team at Drama Kids International can’t think of a better valentine to give than one that will help children appreciate and enjoy Feb. 14! A holiday that can make even adults anxious, Valentine’s Day can, unfortunately, have the same influence on children. But there’s no reason for the holiday to make your kids anxious, and with the tips we’ve gathered, they should be able to embrace the lovey holiday with confidence! Read on →