The holiday season is upon us. Finding the perfect gift and spending quality time with your family are probably two of the more pressing issues on your mind. What if we told you there was a way to easily achieve both at one time? Volunteering during the holiday season is a way to do just that! You’ll not only enjoy quality time together, but you’ll also be giving the perfect gift to those in need! Read on →

The Thanksgiving holiday is coming up quick, and while menu planning and Black Friday strategizing are probably near the top of the list, we’re sure coming up with fun, kid-friendly Thanksgiving craft ideas is also something worth considering. We know it’s a busy time of the year, so we’ve found three kid-approved ideas that are simple, yet enjoyable. Kid-approved Thanksgiving crafts Not only are these activities a fun way to keep your child occupied, but they also present an opportunity for him or her to get involved in the festivities and help with the decorating! Read on →

Halloween is right around the corner and while you’ve probably been busy helping come up with the perfect costume for your child, chances are Halloween treats for the classroom haven’t yet crossed your mind. Don’t worry, our Drama Kids International team has got you covered on the tasty Halloween treat front! Easy Halloween Treats The goal is to come up with a Halloween treat your child can share with friends that is both delicious and easy to make. Read on →

As the school year progresses, chances are your child will experience bullying. He or she may not be the victim, but could still witness it in the classroom, hallway or on the playground. October is National Bullying Prevention Month, and Drama Kids International is here to share valuable tips on how to help your child handle bullying. How common is bullying? Bullying is a very common thing, with more than one out of every five students having reported being bullied. Read on →

The new school year is in full swing, and while it is an exciting and occasionally stressful time for all parties, it can also mean that soon your child will be exposed to an assortment of new sickness-causing germs. Our Drama Kids team wants to help make sure your family doesn’t become the next host of seasonal colds and flu, so we’ve found some tips that will help protect your child from germs while at school and participating in various after-school activities. Read on →

You know we like to say the difference you’ll see in your child after becoming a member of the Drama Kids International Family is “dramatic,” but it’s not just a fun play on words, it’s 100 percent accurate! Children enrolled in our drama classes are not only learning and honing their drama skills but will also see positive changes and growth in areas that will benefit them for life. So what exactly are the benefits that can be gained through drama classes? Read on →

It’s hard to believe, but another back-to-school season is upon us! Our Drama Kids International family may offer drama programs for kids year-round, but we still appreciate and understand the prep work that goes into getting children ready for a new school year. We’ve come up with four especially helpful back-to-school tips that can help ease your stress levels. Get to know the school. If your child will be attending a new school, whether it’s due to a move or just from aging out of elementary or middle school, it’s beneficial to visit the school so that it becomes more familiar. Read on →

It may seem like summer break just started, but once again we find ourselves staring down another back-to-school season. Our team at Drama Kids knows how stressful getting the kids ready for a new school year can be and hopes that these survival tips can make life easier on all parties! Routine, Routine, Routine As the summer begins to wind down, you’ll want to begin moving your family back into a more school-friendly routine. Read on →

In a world that can seem a heavy and dark place, at Drama Kids International, we know how important it is to continue raising positive and kind children. Our kids can—and will—change the world for the better, but to do so, they first must be equipped with the right tools. Raising a Kind Child Kindness is a high priority and a value that is taught at home, at school, and in our drama programs and other afterschool activities. Read on →

It’s officially been summer for nine days now, and we hope yours has gotten off to a fantastic start! While our Drama Kids team knows that summer is full of opportunities for fun family time, it’s also vital that we ensure that our kids are enjoying their summer breaks safely. From heat to accidents and beyond, summer isn’t always all fun and games. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has found that with the warmer weather, the risk of injuries increases. Read on →