Bullying is something that is unfortunately present in all areas of life, especially for our children. Thankfully, efforts made at home, school and through afterschool programs, such as those with Drama Kids International, can help children learn how to overcome bullying. The Impact Parents Have in Bullying Situations A recent study by the University of Maryland’s College of Education found that parental involvement can lessen the effects of bullying on middle schoolers. Read on →

Leading a healthy life consists of many different facets, including those related to our physical, mental and emotional health. As adults, we know what needs to be done to take care of ourselves, but for healthy habits to truly stick, it is best to begin encouraging them from an early age. Healthy Habits for Kids There are many healthy habits that children can benefit from starting at a young age. Read on →

Springtime is always a welcome season—Mother Nature puts on a lovely display and there’s just a sense of “newness” that seems to come along with it. There are plenty of ways you can get into the spring of things creatively with your family, from crafts to various activities! Springtime Activities for Kids If you live in an area where winter has been harsh, spring can provide the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors without having to bundle up head to toe. Read on →

Creativity—where would we be without it? A world lacking in creativity is something we never want to see, but fortunately, helping children embrace their creative sides can ensure that never happens! At Drama Kids International, creativity is encouraged and celebrated in each class, which is why we’re thrilled to share some tips on how you can help your child embrace his or her creative side. How to Foster Creativity in Children It’s easy to assume that children are born with a creative side, but that isn’t necessarily accurate. Read on →

Anxiety is not just an issue that impacts adults—it’s also often experienced by school-age children. There are different kinds of anxiety disorders that can affect children and teens: generalized anxiety disorder, separation anxiety disorder, social phobia, specific phobia and selective mutism. Fortunately, there are ways we can help our children cope with or overcome anxiety. It is important to remember anxiety can stem from many different things, like genetics, brain chemistry, life situations and learn behaviors, so it is always wise to reach out to a trained professional for a definitive diagnosis for your child. Read on →

From smartphones and tablets to video game consoles and smart TVs, there is no shortage of technology these days. And with that increased access to technology comes an increased risk of danger, especially to our kids. There are many dangers out there in the digital world that we must work to protect our children from, but fortunately, educating them about safe technology practices doesn’t have to be difficult! Digital Danger It can seem like a new online threat pops up in the news almost weekly, but it’s important to sort out which ones pose the greatest risk to our children. Read on →

Helping a child become the best version of his or herself is something all parents strive for. While it may seem like a daunting task, it doesn’t have to become overwhelming. You can help your children be successful in life’s journey simply by setting them up with valuable life skills. What Life Skills Should Our Kids Know? At Drama Kids International, we often talk about the value of skills like leadership and creative thinking. Read on →

There is a reason why we are so passionate about providing high-quality drama programs for children, and it is directly related to the number of benefits it can have for them! These benefits can be found in the classroom, but can be more far reaching as well, helping set children up with the skills and tools they need to lead successful lives in adulthood. What Are The Benefits? The benefits of participation in the arts can be seen in a child’s academic life and personal life. Read on →

We will say goodbye to 2018 and be welcoming the new year in just a couple of weeks, which means it is crunch time on the New Year’s Resolution front. While many utilize their New Year’s resolutions to help spur on weight loss and other healthy habits, they can also serve as an important learning lesson for kids. Why Make a New Year’s Resolution? When you take away the term “New Year’s resolution,” the basic principles behind it are setting goals and achieving those goals. Read on →

In a little over two weeks, it will officially be winter, and for many families throughout the United States, that means the doldrums of winter are almost here. But don’t worry—just because the weather is getting colder doesn’t mean your children will be left bored to tears inside the house! We have compiled a list of excellent ideas that will help them stay active and save you from hearing “I’m bored” repeated over and over again throughout the winter months. Read on →