No matter your age, public speaking can be an overwhelming or even scary thought. It is because of this that one of our main goals at Drama Kids International is to help children improve their speaking and public speaking skills through improved confidence and useful drama activities. Why Public Speaking Skills Are Important for Kids There is no way around it: Public speaking will always play a vital role in helping our children develop and build up much-needed life skills. Read on →

Technology has led to many welcome advancements in our society, but it has also had some rather unintended impacts on overall health and well-being. One of those impacts is the development of “text neck.” The term “text neck” was created by a U.S. chiropractor and is used to describe repeated stress injury and pain in the neck as a result of excessive watching or texting on handheld devices over a sustained period of time. Read on →

Attention, parents, this is not a drill—back-to-school season is here! Emotions can run high at home with school starting back up for the year, but thankfully there are plenty of tips you can put into practice to help smooth over the process and help the entire family handle back-to-school season like champs. The Emotions of Going Back to School Going back to school after having a couple months off can be an especially difficult transition for our kids, and with that change may come some back-to-school blues. Read on →

Confidence is something that’s vital for a successful life, both personally and professionally. That being said, one of the greatest gifts we can give our children is the gift of confidence! How do you go about inspiring confidence in your child? There are many tips and ideas that you can use, but we are covering three of our favorites in this blog. Inspiring Confidence When you think about confidence, we usually think of the psychological aspects. Read on →

Failure. It’s a word we all fear and strive to avoid, and yet, it’s one that perhaps we should embrace a bit more. Per the Merriam-Webster dictionary, failure is defined as an “omission of occurrence or performance” or more specifically, “a failing to perform a duty or expected action.” Failure doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom, though, since it is through failing that we often discover what our strengths truly are. Read on →

We know that our children are strong, but could there be some hidden strengths lying in wait, just hoping to be uncovered? The answer is most likely yes! Fortunately, there are many ways we as parents can help our children discover and identify those hidden strengths. The Importance of Strengths Many people think of strength in physical, mental and emotional terms, but it is much more than this. Strengths are those inner qualities that can help us feel most alive—this means that they can be used to help us lead our best lives and make meaningful contributions to life. Read on →

Technology is practically a part of every facet of life these days—we use it to wake up, get the news, drive our cars, browse online and even cook. For our children, technology is also commonplace. From “smart classrooms” to the latest video game console, technology is perhaps even more intertwined in their lives than it is ours. Despite the overabundance of technology, there are still many things our children cannot learn from a computer or smartphone. Read on →

“I’m bored.” Every parent’s nightmare phrase, right? Don’t worry, we’ve got some great ideas that can keep those words from exiting your child’s mouth quite so frequently! Battling Boredom When you hear your kids mention being bored, take a moment to have them think about the following things: Have you been creative? Have you played outside? Have you read a book? Have you exercised for 20 minutes? Have you done something helpful? Read on →

We all know how important having high self-esteem is for our children and have even taken an in-depth look at how to help them build up those self-esteem and confidence levels. But did you realize that one of the most important ways to help your child build up his or her self-esteem is by taking the time to be sure your self-esteem is at a high level? Yes—your self-esteem level can directly impact your child’s. Read on →

There are many different life skills our children must learn in order to be successful throughout life, but social skills may be right at the top of that list. While they are not being formally taught and graded on the skill set in school, social skills are certainly something children are tested on by their peers. Social skills are needed to interact and adapt to various environments and can play a very important role in a child’s emotional health and well-being. Read on →