Fostering a sense of imagination in children does wonders for their thought processes. Imagination can boost creativity and problem-solving skills—and it is so fun to work on interactive games as a bonding activity, too! Enrolling your child in activities such as drama classes for kids is a fantastic way to give imaginative thinking a boost, and there are ways to enhance that benefit at home as well. Here are some of our favorite activities to do with your child that will get his or her imagination into overdrive: Read on →

As parents, we work hard to instill strong values of confidence and self-esteem in our children—but when they spend most of their weekdays in school, it can be difficult to assess exactly how comfortable they are with themselves. While there are many things parents can do to boost their children’s confidence, such as giving them autonomy with decisions and enrolling them in drama classes, having open and honest conversations with your child’s teacher is a valuable resource as well. Read on →

Between winter weather, spring storms and sweltering summer days, there are many times when playing outside just isn’t an option for children. This can lead to a serious case of cabin fever, but thankfully, there are plenty of ideas for beating boredom indoors! Between drama activities and entertaining an audience, these ideas will transform your next indoor day. Top 6 Ways to Keep Kids Entertained Inside Pass the Story Read on →

Between researching healthy snacks and how to best encourage children to exercise, it is safe to say that parents do a lot when it comes to helping their child be as healthy as possible. The good news is, one of the healthiest things that children can do is something that also comes the most natural to them: playing. Encouraging kids to play, both in active ways such as sports and in creative ways such as acting classes for kids, has a wealth of benefits for them physically and mentally. Read on →

Helping children to develop a positive body image is something parents have to worry about now more than ever before—studies show that kids as young as 5 years old are beginning to show concern with their bodies. The good news is that with these findings, more and more strategies are popping up for how parents can help! By encouraging an open dialogue with your kids about body image and raising them to have self-confidence, parents can help children build a strong, body-positive foundation. Read on →

While there is nothing more precious than the bond between parent and child, in today’s chaotic world, it can seem more difficult than ever to keep that bond strong. Not only are children constantly growing and changing, but with the average child spending two to three hours in front of a screen per day, it is more difficult to get kids to really have a conversation. To learn more about how your child sees the world, making use of open-ended conversation starters can be a fun way to get them talking! Read on →

When navigating the parenting of a teen, there are many things that parents might be concerned about. Helping teenagers prepare for adulthood is a big task, but encouraging their independence is one of the best things you can do to set them up for a successful future. Here are our top 5 tips for fostering independence in your teen: 1. Provide More Decision-Making Opportunities With younger children, parents are in the habit of helping them plan out their days and deciding when and how to complete certain tasks. Read on →

While drama classes are a fun way to get your child out of the house and practicing a hobby, there are many real-world benefits of enrolling kids in drama classes as well. From boosting their confidence to increasing their talent in public speaking, the effects that drama classes have on children do not stop when they leave class for the day. One of the most practical benefits is that drama can help your children learn about social interactions. Read on →

There are many benefits to drama classes for children, including increased confidence, emotional intelligence and self-expression. If you think your kids enjoy drama classes, building their confidence at home is a great place to start! These skill-boosting activities can help them feel more prepared for their first class or get in some extra practice between sessions. Drama Games You Can Play With Your Child at Home Because drama is such a versatile hobby, there are many drama games for children that can be adapted for you to do together. Read on →

Balance—we all strive to find it, yet it’s something that even well into adulthood always seems to be difficult to grasp. Perhaps the best method to ensure our children are able to lead healthy, balanced lives in adulthood is to help them find ways to lead balanced lives now! The Importance of Balance Simply walking through the self-help section of a bookstore can impress upon you the importance of balance. Read on →