What Technology Can’t Teach Our Kids | Drama Kids

Technology is practically a part of every facet of life these days—we use it to wake up, get the news, drive our cars, browse online and even cook. For our children, technology is also commonplace.

From “smart classrooms” to the latest video game console, technology is perhaps even more intertwined in their lives than it is ours. Despite the overabundance of technology, there are still many things our children cannot learn from a computer or smartphone.

Raising Kids in a Digital Era

With technology practically everywhere, it is important to know how and when to limit its presence in your child’s life.

There’s no one right way to find a balance for your child’s technology usage—it is something that requires observation and time.

Do you know how to spot the signs of unhealthy tech usage in a child? Some of those signs can include:

  • Complaining of being bored or unhappy when they don’t have access to technology
  • Tantrum or resistance to screen time limits
  • Screen time that interferes with sleep, school and face-to-face communication

If these signs are being displayed by your child, it is probably time to create some healthier technology boundaries.

What Technology Can’t Teach

Despite the many benefits of technology, there are some drawbacks to too much technology in a child’s life.

Some of those drawbacks include:

  • Disturbed sleep patterns and insomnia
  • Slower development in social and life skills
  • Decrease in physical health, including weight gain
  • Damage to the development of key relationships
  • Problems with self-confidence/anxiety issues

It is the many social and emotional interactions that children need to learn that technology cannot teach. These include how to interact with their peers and adults, understanding their own emotional health and things like confidence.

Coping skills aren’t being taught through technology, nor are the aspects of healthy expectations of one’s self. This is why human interaction, including lessons from parents and outside sources, are still a vital part of a child’s upbringing.

It is through face-to-face interaction that children learn important skills, such as communicating, being aware of others’ feelings and knowing how to relate to those with different opinions.

Many life skills still must be learned the “old-fashioned way,” through human interaction and practice. Drama Kids International is proud to provide drama programs that get children away from the screens and focused on interacting with those around them.