Summer Fun Ideas for Your Child | Drama Kids International

The time to start thinking about summer fun for your child is here, even if it does seem like the year went by in the blink of an eye! So how do you begin planning out fun adventures for your child’s summer? Drama Kids International has found some ideas worth trying out.

Summer is a time for your children to have the freedom to enjoy themselves, while still coming across educational opportunities that can benefit them for life!

1. Embrace the outdoors. Children are spending far too much time indoors, so why not encourage taking in all that being outdoors can offer? There’s bike riding, backyard stargazing, playground escapades and so much more fun to be had. Spending time outside is great for kids—it helps keep them active and can provide exceptional learning opportunities, too. The Educator’s Spin On It has many more ideas for fun and educational activities for your children to embrace this summer.

2. Learn to appreciate the schedule slowdown. During the school year, life can be hectic and always on the go. Let your child take a moment to slow down and enjoy life—you’ll appreciate the down time, too! Keep these three “R’s” in mind this summer; reflect, read, relax. Children need to be able to reflect on the year and you can use this as a teaching tool for the future, including how to set goals for the next year. Reading throughout the summer is a great way to help your child avoid summer learning loss and give him or her a boost for the next school year. Relaxing is something that we all take for granted and, yes, it is important for our kids to experience some quality relaxation time over the summer.

3. Enroll them in a summer camp program that will help encourage their interests. Find a fun STEM program for the science lover in your home. If you have a child who is a fan of drama, we have the perfect solution! We may be slightly biased here, but the summer camp programs put together by Drama Kids International are not only a way to help kids develop theater skills, but also serve as an excellent teaching tool, too! Creative thinking, public speaking and leadership skills are just a few of the things children learn with Drama Kids. We’re here to help get kids out of their shells while providing a safe space to learn and grow interests.

Summertime is just around the corner, and we hope it will prove to be a fun and restful one for your family. Keep Drama Kids’ summer camps in your mind, and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us or your nearest Drama Kids International location.