Helping Kids Embrace Their Creative Side

Creativity—where would we be without it? A world lacking in creativity is something we never want to see, but fortunately, helping children embrace their creative sides can ensure that never happens!

At Drama Kids International, creativity is encouraged and celebrated in each class, which is why we’re thrilled to share some tips on how you can help your child embrace his or her creative side.

How to Foster Creativity in Children

It’s easy to assume that children are born with a creative side, but that isn’t necessarily accurate. Much like intelligence needs to be worked at, creativity is the same.

Here are some ways you can help foster creativity in your child:

1. Give your child the resources needed for creative expression. Unstructured playtime and space are two of the best ways you can provide this.

2. Make home a laboratory for creativity. Your home is the safest space for your kids to embrace their creative side. Encourage the ideas that are possible and help them come up with some “better” ideas if something isn’t possible.

3. Allow your child to explore his or her ideas. Support your child’s vision. If your child wants to color outside the lines or do something different than how you would do it, let him or her—as long as it won’t cause harm or physical damage, that is!

4. Encourage your child to read for fun and participate in the arts. This could be a way to limit TV and screen time!

5. Give your child the opportunity to express differing thoughts and opinions. Part of being creative is having the ability to think outside the box—this applies for our kids, too!

6. Don’t incentivize creativity. If you reward your kids for doing something creative, it can take away from the reward that is exploring and enhancing their creative sides.

7. Remember, it’s not about the achievements. It’s process over product!

To Be Creative Is to Explore

The focus of this blog is creativity, but a child can’t truly embrace his or her creative side without learning how to explore options.

Teach your child not to be satisfied with a single solution; instead, encourage your child to think of other solutions that could work just as well. Thinking outside of the box and critical thinking are exceptional forms of creativity.

Knowing that there are many options will help your child discover different paths that could be taken to the solution, which is a life skill that’s too valuable to measure.

Drama Kids International is proud to provide children with a safe space to explore their creative sides. Interested in learning more about the benefits of our drama programs? We’d love to have the chance to discuss them with you!