Getting Into the “Spring” of Things With Your Kids | Drama Kids International

Springtime is always a welcome season—Mother Nature puts on a lovely display and there’s just a sense of “newness” that seems to come along with it.

There are plenty of ways you can get into the spring of things creatively with your family, from crafts to various activities!

Springtime Activities for Kids

If you live in an area where winter has been harsh, spring can provide the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors without having to bundle up head to toe. In areas that don’t suffer from frigid winters, there are still plenty of opportunities to embrace the changes that come with the season.

It may seem simple, but one way to enjoy time outside with your kids can be by blowing bubbles or even having bubble parties. You can mix up your own bubbles with six cups of distilled water, one cup of dish soap, and one tablespoon of glycerin or ¼ cup of corn syrup.

There will be some new birds coming around as the season changes, and you can help your child create a cozy birdhouse for new feathered friends. Birdhouses can be built with repurposed items, like mailboxes, milk cartons or even old shoes!

If you’re looking to help your child embrace his or her imagination, you could always construct some upcycled fairy wings that can easily be worn while running around outside. If fairies are not in your child’s wheelhouse, you could switch up the design to be butterfly or other bug wings—perhaps even bird wings.

Another way to embrace the great outdoors with your child is to organize an exciting nature scavenger hunt. This scavenger hunt could take place in your yard, or be a larger scale activity that takes your family on a journey to the park.

The opportunities for exciting and educational activities are endless in the spring, and no matter what ideas you come up with, it’s sure to be an excellent source of quality family time!

With spring knocking on our door, that means it’s also time to begin thinking about the summer camp programs your child will be involved with. If you’re looking to stimulate your child’s creativity and help him or her build life skills, consider contacting the Drama Kids International location nearest you to learn more about the summer drama camps that will be held this year!