Back-to-School Season Survival Tips | Drama Kids International

It may seem like summer break just started, but once again we find ourselves staring down another back-to-school season. Our team at Drama Kids knows how stressful getting the kids ready for a new school year can be and hopes that these survival tips can make life easier on all parties!

Routine, Routine, Routine

As the summer begins to wind down, you’ll want to begin moving your family back into a more school-friendly routine. We’re talking sleep schedules, breakfast routines, bathroom schedules for getting ready—whatever routines can be put back in place before school actually gets started.

Remember, when change is coming, routines can help prevent your child from feeling overwhelmed by everything.

Begin Refocusing the Mind

We hope your family has been able to use the summer to rest and recharge, but now is the time to help your kids begin getting into a scholastic mindset.

There’s no need to break out the flash cards or spelling tests, but be sure to take some time to read with your child and perhaps take a few trips to the library. Not only will this help encourage a love of books and reading, but it can also prepare your child to use an indoor voice in scholarly settings.

Prepare Your Command Center

The more prepared you are, the better prepared your family will be. If you don’t already have one, you can begin putting together the family command center.

This command center will serve as your go-to organization station, where the family calendar can be prominently displayed, coupons and bills can be kept, and information regarding your kids and their school can be filed.

Enjoy what’s left of summer break! Hopefully with these tips, the upcoming back-to-school season won’t prove overly stressful for your family. Remember, if it’s drama classes for kids you’re looking for, Drama Kids International is the place to go!