5 Keys for Helping Your Teen Become More Independent | Drama Kids

When navigating the parenting of a teen, there are many things that parents might be concerned about. Helping teenagers prepare for adulthood is a big task, but encouraging their independence is one of the best things you can do to set them up for a successful future.

Here are our top 5 tips for fostering independence in your teen:

1. Provide More Decision-Making Opportunities

With younger children, parents are in the habit of helping them plan out their days and deciding when and how to complete certain tasks. Once your child is a teen, you can begin taking a more hands-off approach to his or her schedule. For example, instead of telling your child to clean his or her room, try making a request that he or she have it cleaned by a certain time. This allows your teen to develop decision-making skills in a low-pressure environment to begin.

2. Enlist Their Help in Daily Tasks

Many teens have an interest in learning more about how to survive in the real world but are not always necessarily sure how to bridge that gap. As a parent, you can help guide them by working through daily tasks. Things such as laundry, baking and grocery shopping can feel like foreign territory at first, but together, you can help them figure it out and feel accomplished.

3. Enroll Your Teen in Drama Classes

By participating in drama classes, your teen has the opportunity to interact with others his or her age, learn new skills and improve upon social skills, all while having fun! The benefits of drama classes for teens are plentiful—by increasing their confidence and giving them an activity they enjoy, they will begin to build their independence and pick up a new life skill.

4. Talk (Age-Appropriate) Budgeting Tips

Though showing your teen the full picture of household budgeting might be a bit scary at this stage, working through budgeting tips that are teenager-appropriate can often be helpful.

5. Encourage Their Confidence and Learning

Simply being supportive can make a large impact on teens’ confidence and sense of self—both of which are building blocks for independence. Enrolling them in acting classes for teens is a great way to do this, as well as generally showing support when they share accomplishments or worries.

If you would like information about enrolling your teen in drama classes to help him or her be independent and successful, find a Drama Kids location near you!