10 Tips to Take Your Child From Self-Conscious to Confident | Drama Kids International

We know the goal is to always raise confident, self-sufficient kids, but also know that it can seem confusing and difficult to achieve this. Just how do you go about encouraging confidence in a child who is a bit on the self-conscious side?

Luckily for you, we at Drama Kids International are helping kids unlock their confident sides daily!

Here are 10 tips you can work on over the summer with your child:

  1. Acknowledge when he or she is being brave. Has your child stepped out of a comfort zone and done something he or she used to be scared of? Be sure to acknowledge this act of bravery, as this is one of the first steps toward growing out of his or her self-consciousness.

  2. Take small steps in uncomfortable social situations. Is your child a bit on the introverted side and working toward becoming more comfortable in social situations he or she normally would shy away from? This is another positive step toward becoming more confident, but encouraging him or her to do too much too fast is not advised. Help your child continue to ease into new social situations and get ready to see him or her blossom.

  3. Model self-love and positive self-talk. Our kids are always watching us, so by modeling self-love and positive self-talk we are teaching them how to not be so hard on themselves. We all know that accidents and mistakes happen, but instead of talking poorly about ourselves, demonstrate that it’s OK!

  4. Give genuine compliments. Don’t just compliment your child to do so, compliment him or her on something that took an act of kindness or bravery. Complimenting your child on something he or she has been working hard to perfect is also a great place to start.

  5. Teach resilience. We’ve previously discussed the seven “C’s” of resilience, but if you could use a refresher, they are: competence, confidence, connection, character, contribution, coping and control. Embrace the seven “C’s” and watch your child’s resilience blossom.

  6. Support his or her pursuit of a passion. Has your child taken a keen interest in a new activity? Do your best to support him or her in this new pursuit—it’s as simple as that!

  7. Set rules and be consistent. Consistency in a child’s life is key to many success factors and can apply for confidence as well. Make sure your child knows the rules and that they are followed by yourself, too.

  8. Coach relationship skills. No, we’re not just talking about young love, we’re talking about relationships with peers, teachers, etc. Your child needs to understand what healthy relationships look like on all fronts.

  9. Help your child set realistic goals. Never deter your child from chasing dreams, but be sure to steer him or her toward goals that can be accomplished and crossed off the list.

  10. Help your child prepare for public performances. There will always be instances where your child must engage in public speaking or other performances, and by enrolling your little one in one of our drama programs, you’ll be helping him or her put the best foot forward in these situations!

Along with your phenomenal parenting skills, Drama Kids International is able to step up and help your child build up confidence and push self-consciousness to the side with our specialized drama classes. Come find out why the “difference is dramatic” today!